Update Info.

都說了我的老本行是西洋音樂!! (雖然現在這麼說好像都很沒有說服力,但我堅持這是實情XD)~2010/05/23

2009年9月13日 星期日

Jay-Z’s 911 benefit concert@Madison Square


Run This Town

Super Junior M’s new song teaser<Super Girl>


光看預告還真覺得有點可笑.....但MV好像蠻有質感的。至於歌嘛,好像是延續sorry, sorry的風格~

[轉錄] 數位電視戰役重新開啟


作者 : 宏將廣告媒體研究部 王沛娣
更新時間 : 2009/09/11 19:03:23





NCC重劃有線電視經營區,也讓數位電視戰役重新展開。(Western Digital官網)

(Brain.com 2009-09-14)回顧台灣電視史,1962年第一家無線電視台成立,到2004年中華電信MOD開播,提供高畫質節目與隨選視訊,2009年數家數位有線電視系統台陸續開播,台灣電視也正式進入高畫質、互動的數位元年。






3月凱擘推「Kbro V」,預估滲透率約為一成

台灣前三大有線電視系統經營業者(MSO)之一凱擘,在3月推出數位化有線電視服務「Kbro V」,凱擘目前有線電視用戶約100萬戶,其中數位化用戶約1.6萬戶,預估今年數位化用戶目標約7到10萬戶,滲透率約一成;HD(高畫質)頻道則被凱擘視為,是下一個吸引用戶從類比訊號轉換到數位訊號的關鍵。凱擘目前已經擁有兩個HD頻道,包含東森洋片台及國家地理雜誌,也積極與HBO及運動頻道洽談,未來也將推出內建個人視訊錄影(PVR)功能的機上盒。


麥格理(Macquarie)集團旗下TBC台灣寬頻通訊(擁有南桃園、北視、信和、吉元、群健五家系統業者),在今年三月也正式朝經營數位電視邁進,採用MPEG4數位影音技術,推出全新的數位電視服務,功能包括中文電子節目表、頻道展示牆、個人喜好頻道設定、節目預約、頻道鎖碼、分級保護及電視遊戲等的互動性服務與多樣化的選擇,將改變收視戶對於電視的使用習慣;並採行訂購數位電視服務,免費提供一台數位機上盒及遙控器,免除收視戶現行使用兩個遙控器及必須切換影像輸入的不便,讓看電視變得更聰明。數位基本組合有4個AETN頻道:History HD高畫質歷史頻道、History 歷史頻道、Biography 人物傳記頻道、C&I Network 罪案偵緝頻道外,同時提供60多個有線電視類比頻道在數位平台上做同步播放。

7/1試營運「new TV」,預估今年滲透率3-5%

台灣大哥大集團旗下經營有線電視服務的系統商「台固媒體」,主要擁有台北縣宜蘭縣及高雄縣,共計約54萬有線電視收視戶。配合政府有線電視數位化政策,與數位互動電視方案供應商ADB合作,從7月1日開始小規模試營運數位電視服務「new TV」,總經理鄭俊卿表示:「預估今年滲透率可達3-5%,半年的時間用戶數可望衝到1.5萬戶以上。明年目標滲透率為9%,用戶數成長至5萬,2011 年滲透率更要達12-15%;台固去年營收、用戶數均成長4成以上,鄭俊卿表示,今年可望再成長4成以上,甚至達5成。」



「new TV」數位電視上市初期提供55個頻道,除了「高畫質HD頻道組」(ASN HD、History HD、Discovery HD)、「Discovery頻道組」(Discovery HD、科學、動力、健康家)、「闔家歡頻道組」(Sci Fi、Hallmark、UNIVERSAL、Kids co、World Fashion、CNBC),還有9個基本頻道與30個音樂頻道。

台固表示,由於台灣的HD節目不多,因此開播初期會以代理頻道為主,目前已取得14個頻道獨家代理權,包括:衛視中文台、衛視電影台、Star Movies、Channel (V)、Star World、國家地理頻道及momo親子台、年代綜合台、World Fashion、超視、AXN、霹靂台灣台、好消息與Classica HD古典音樂頻道。

目前除了台固外,台灣幾家大型有線電視系統業者如凱擘、中嘉、台灣寬頻,也都加緊數位化步調,今年下半年起數位化有線電視市場逐漸增溫。以擁有台北市縣、桃園、新竹、彰化等地方系統台的凱擘為例,今年第一季推出Kbro V數位電視服務,與台固一樣鎖定互動服務與高畫質服務,至於中嘉也在七月底開始數位電視服務。

八月中嘉「bb TV」開播,初估用戶達15萬戶

中嘉推出的「bb TV」數位電視,目前只在基隆、台北縣市、桃園、台南市和高雄市六大都會區開播,並與當地的有線電視業者合作,共同推動數位化電視,bb TV推出包含:Discovery HD、History HD、ASN HD及國家地理HD等HD高畫質的電視節目,與標準畫質節目供消費者選擇,中嘉旗下有線電視收視戶額外月付199元可選擇套餐頻道收視;為推動用戶訂閱 bbTV,中嘉免費提供用戶一台數位機上盒租用(但用戶需付1千元押金),家中第二台電視若要收視則需安裝另一台機上盒。

另外,bb TV也提供內建電子節目表,可預覽7天內的所有節目,可隨選的影片,爾後會陸續推出錄影管理等功能,讓消費者可以隨時錄製節目;中嘉大股東MBK,目前在台灣有線電視用戶市占率達23%、用戶數達104萬戶,bb寬頻用戶數達15萬戶左右。(資料來源:Media Drive Viewpoint 2009年9月號「重劃有線電視經營區,重啟數位電視戰役」)

2009年9月11日 星期五

[轉錄] Ellen DeGeneres Named New “American Idol” Judge


9/10/09, 9:00 am EST

American Idol recruited fill-in judges like Mary J. Blige and Victoria Beckham while searching for a full-time replacement for Paula Abdul, but late yesterday the top-rated show revealed who would be joining the judges table when the series’ ninth season premieres in January 2010: Comedienne and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen made the surprising announcement on her talk show, saying that talks with AI producers had been ongoing for the past few weeks and the deal was finally worked out just before filming yesterday’s The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Idols on the road: check out backstage photos of Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and more.

“I’m thrilled to be the new judge on American Idol,” said DeGeneres said in a statement that confirmed her new gig. “I’ve watched since the beginning, and I’ve always been a huge fan. So getting this job is a dream come true, and think of all the money I’ll save from not having to text in my vote.” Added AI creator and executive producer Simon Fuller, “Ellen has been a fan of the show for many years, and her love of music and understanding of the American public will bring a unique human touch to our judging panel. I can’t wait for this next season to begin.” DeGeneres got her first taste of judging during a one-episode stint on last season’s So You Think You Can Dance.

Critics will likely lash out at DeGeneres’ lack of music industry knowledge — she’s an avowed music fanatic, but doesn’t have the choreography background or recording experience that Abdul brought to the show. However, in casting DeGeneres, Idol has found another kind-hearted, nurturing personality. Plus, DeGeneres brings an accessible sense of humor to the show that’s different than the brand of comedy Abdul provided, which came most often at her expense. Fourth judge Kara DioGuardi isn’t a performer, but as an accomplished songwriter, she’ll likely step up as the pop music vet.

Look back at the finale of American Idol’s Season Eight.

In addition to welcoming DeGeneres to the judge’s table, Idol also revealed the full roster of stars who will guest judge during the show’s auditions: Victoria Beckham, Mary J. Blige, Kristin Chenoweth, Joe Jonas, Neil Patrick Harris, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry and Shania Twain. DeGeneres won’t join Cowell, Jackson and DioGuardi until the post-audition episodes of the show.

DeGeneres’ addition to the show also puts a final end to Paula Abdul’s tenure on American Idol. After Abdul revealed she was leaving the show, reports still circulated that she wanted to return to Idol was using her departure to leverage for a bigger paycheck more on par with her co-stars. Whether Abdul was still negotiating with Idol producers is unclear, but in the end, the Age of Abdul on Idol is over, and the Ellen Era has begun.

2009年9月10日 星期四

[轉錄] 令人感動的小叮噹同人結局(請開音效)


Annti Yang 於 2 days 之前發表


一個叫做 "田島.T.安惠" 的人畫出了同人版的結局,雖然很多破綻,但一樣令人感動,分享給沒看過的癮科科(看過的請忍住噓的衝動( ̄. ̄),感謝)

[轉錄] 超Cute的Google StreetView示意影片


Annti Yang 於 1 day 之前發表

這是Google Japan所製作的Google StreetView示意影片,旨在一般人可以了解Google StreetView的製作過程,不是只有開著街景車逛大街而已,還有後續許多處理要進行(像是個人隱私的處理)。重點是這段影片真的很可愛,相當值得一看。


[感謝 altophto 提供線索]



2009年9月7日 星期一

f(x) stage debut@0905 MBC Music Core


G-Dragon@0904 KBS’s Music Bank & 0906 SBS’s人氣歌謠

Music Bank表演<Heartbreaker>和<Breathe>

打敗Brown Eyed Girls和師妹2NE1~




2009年9月3日 星期四

[轉錄] Panasonic Lumix GF1發表


CNET/林顥峰 2009/09/02 15:27

看到這款Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GF1的出現,實在讓人覺得還滿振奮開心的。主要原因,是這款Panasonic推出的微型4/3系統相機,它真正實現了小型化可換鏡的目標,而且還具備了AVCHD錄影的格式,體積大小也比自家的G1GH1還要小約35%左右,看起來儼然就是LX3的微型4/3版本。

相較於Olympus E-P1推出銀白兩色款式,GF1共有黑、銀、紅、白四種顏色可供選擇,並且搭配了20mm/F1.7與14-42mm/F3.5-5.6 ASPH/MEGA O.I.S防手震鏡頭來搭配,目前各有Kit組的版本,訂價皆為USD 899.95元,約新台幣29000左右。與Olympus E-P1的訂價差不多,但是機身不具備防震功能,卻擁有機身閃燈和獨立的錄影鍵。另外,還推出了一隻實用的定焦防手震微距鏡45mm/F2.8 MEGA O.I.S,對使用者來說應是相當吸引人的鏡頭。

Lumix DMC-GF1 不僅可拍攝高品質數位照片,更能夠錄製 HD 影片。使用者可輕鬆錄下 1,280 x 720(即 720P)@ 60 fps 的 AVCHD 高解析度影片。DMC-GF1 還提供了 Creative Movie Mode(創意影片模式),例如可自訂快門速度來因應快速移動目標的拍攝過程,以及調整光圈大小,藉由景深來表現物體距離。此外,影片收音配合杜比立體聲技術,消除錄音實的背景雜訊或風聲。另外。DMC-GF1 和 GH1 一樣具備獨立的錄影啟動鈕,但位置改變到機身頂端最右方。

就目前來看,Panasonic GF1與Olympus E-P1算是當今微型4/3系統最主力的兩大品牌,而且它們也分別推出了相當令人期待及讚許的產品。不過,以E-P1為例它的產能及價格部份,其實是一直最為人所批評,而現今供貨算是已經正常,但價格部份卻還是沒什麼變動。

而Panasonic GF1的推出,會不會對E-P1造成什麼樣的影響,其實筆者也不太敢確定,但是以現今推出的微型4/3鏡頭來看,搭配GH1所推出的14-140mm/F4-5.8及7-14mm/F4兩鏡,會是比Olympus現今所發表的鏡頭還要來的好用(雖然同為微型4/3陣營,但感覺上還是有種在同一條路上各走各的感覺。),再加上新機搭配的兩定焦鏡,對希望輕量化攜帶的使用者來說,已經算是相當綽綽有餘了!不過,現今最大的問題是台灣可能不會那麼快有公司貨出現,而價格的部份恐怕也不會優惠;近期有傳言水貨已經賣翻的DMC-GH1公司貨即將上市,這對想購買GF1的使用者來說,算是款遲來的公司貨產品。

Panasonic DMC-GF1 重點特色

● 搭載 1210 萬畫素 Live MOS 感光元件,轉換倍率 2X(與E-P1同)      ● 採Venus Engine HD 影像引擎,最高解析度為 4000 x 3000
● 三吋 46 萬畫素液晶螢幕
● 內建 GN6 閃燈,可隱藏至機身內部
● 感光度範圍:ISO 100 - 3200
● 快門速度範圍:60 秒至 1/4000s 秒,支援 B 快門
● 連拍速度為每秒 3 張,可連拍無限張 JPEG 或 7 張 RAW 檔
● 720P 高畫質錄影,最高可達 60FPS(AVCHD)或 30 FPS(M.JPEG)
● 錄影時可控制光圈、快門,可全時自動對焦(配合14-140 HD效果最佳)
● 支援原廠推出的電子觀景窗DMW-LVF1(選購,解析度為 20 萬畫素,可向上垂直轉動 90 度,售價約 200 美元)
● 儲存媒介: SD / SDHC卡
● HDMI 輸出功能
● 搭配 DMW-BLB13 鋰電池,每次充電可拍攝 350 至 380 張
● 體積 119.0 x 71.0 x 36.3 mm
● 將推出黑、紅、銀、白四種款式(視販售地點可能有所調整)
● 重量 約 285 克(僅機身),搭配 20mm F1.7 餅乾鏡約 448 公克          ● 預計上市時間為2009年10月
● 建議售價USD899.99,約NT29000

兩枚 Micro 4/3 定焦新鏡

這次推出搭配 GF1的新鏡共有兩顆,就是先前所言的20mm/F1.7大光圈定焦鏡,約莫為40mm的等效焦長;另一個則是使用Leica認證鍍膜的45mm /F2.8 MEGA O.I.S防手震微距鏡,約莫為90mm的等效焦長。如果再來隻7mm左右的定焦廣角,就差不多是最佳的定焦使用組合了!

LUMIX G 20mm / F1.7 ASPH. 鏡頭

● 等效焦段:40mm
● 鏡片組成:5 群 7 枚
● 光圈葉片數:7 片
● 最大光圈:F1.7,最小光圈:F16
● 最短攝影距離:0.2m
● 最大攝影倍率:0.25 倍
● 濾鏡口徑:46mm
● 重量:100g
● 建議售價:399.95 美元



● 等效焦段:90mm
● 鏡片組成:10 群 14 枚(含一枚 ED 鏡與一枚非球面鏡)
● 光圈葉片數:7 片
● 最大光圈:F2.8,最小光圈:F22
● 最短攝影距離:0.15m
● 最大攝影倍率:0.5 倍
● 濾鏡口徑:46mm
● 重量:225g
● 建議售價:899.95 美元

[轉錄] Wikipedia – The Most 2009

The 50 most-viewed Wikipedia articles in 2009 and 2008


Published: 4:10PM BST 17 Aug 2009

Topics covered by the website range from the life and times of High School Musical star Zac Efron to the fall of communism and the biology of the bee.

Wikipedia is written collaboratively by volunteers’ from around the world and has approximately 10 million registered users. All a person needs is internet access in order to create or edit an article.

However, in the article detailing Wikipedia’s history, the organisation does highlight that older articles “tend to be more comprehensive and balanced, while newer articles more frequently contain significant misinformation, unenyclopedia content or vandalism”. Users are warned to be aware of this in order to obtain valid information and avoid misinformation.

The site has dramatically changed how people search for information online and boasts 13 million articles in total, when you count the versions in the other 271 languages.

Previously the Yongle Encyclopedia was the world’s largest encyclopedia, which was commissioned by the Chinese Ming Dynasty emperor, Yongle, in 1402 and completed by 1408.

Here, we round up this year's most-viewed Wikipedia articles, according to the website Wikistics:

1) Wiki (131,383 page hits per day)

2) The Beatles (111,896)

3) Michael Jackson (79,734)

4) Favicon.ico (78,077)

5) YouTube (72,318)

6) Wikipedia (52,542)

7) Barack Obama (49,401)

8) Deaths in 2009 (48,758)

9) United States (46,545)

10) Facebook (42,679)

11) Current events portal [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events] (40,962)

12) World War II (29,736)

13) Twitter (28,511)

14) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (28,395)

15) Slumdog Millionaire (26,755)

16) Lil Wayne (26,210)

17) Adolf Hitler (25,481)

18) India (25,380)

19) Transformers 2 (24,842)

20) Scrubs (TV series) (24,758)

21) Sex (24,754)

22) Rhianna (24,670)

23) United Kingdom (24,300)

24) Abrham Lincoln (23,743)

25) Heroes (TV series) (23,569)

26) Watchmen (film) (23,544)

27) Lady GaGa (23,376)

28) Star Trek (film) (22,990)

29) 2009 Swine Flu outbreak (22,968)

30) Featured content portal (22,829)

31) Megan Fox (22,573)

32) Naruto (22,573)

33) Australia (22,544)

34) Canada (22,437)

35) World War I (22,307)

36) Vagina (22,295)

37) List of House episodes (21,950)

38) Japan (21,797)

39) Martin Luther King Jr (21,786)

40) Miley Cyrus (21,724)

41) Robert Pattinson (21,515)

42) Deadpool (comics) (21,264)

43) Twilight (2008 film) (21,158)

44) Windows 7 (21,018)

45) House (TV series) (20,882)

46) Terminator Salvation (20,743)

47) Kristen Stewart (20,538)

48) Internet Movie Database (20,422)

49) 2012 (20,347)

50) X-Men Origins: Wolverine

The 50 most-viewed Wikipedia articles in 2008

1) Wiki (140,550 page hits per day)

2) YouTube (91,971)

3) Barack Obama (76,624)

4) Sarah Palin (64,465)

5) Facebook (51,760)

6) Wikipedia (49,945)

7) The Dark Knight (film) (49,141)

8) Current events portal (42,401)

9) Deaths in 2008 (41,586)

10) United States (40,672)

11) Sex (40,141)

12) MySpace (37,256)

13) John McCain (34,486)

14) Beatles (32,359)

15) 2008 Summer Olympics (28,627)

16) Naruto (28,491)

17) Heroes (TV series) (28,237)

18) The Beatles (27,386)

19) Large Hadron Collider (27,234)

20) Hotmail (27,221)

21) Google (25,738)

22) Lil Wayne (24,366)

23) Featured content portal (23,815) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Featured_content]

24) Batman (23,093)

25) Joe Biden (22,600)

26) India (22,328)

27) Miley Cyrus (22,095)

28) United States presidential election 2008 (21,405)

29) Michael Phelps (21,279)

30) George W Bush (21,107)

31) World War II (21,020)

32) Vagina (20,634)

33) Jonas Brothers (20,379)

34) Joker (comics) (20,082)

35) Canada (20,014)

36) Penis (19,773)

37) Rhianna (19,766)

38) Metallica (19,732)

39) Internet Movie Database (19,673)

40) United Kingdom (19,472)

41) New York City (19,440)

42) Heath Ledger (19,260)

43) Australia (18,849)

44) Japan (18,304)

45) Masturbation (18,189)

46) Twilight (2008 film) (18,066)

47) Search (18,010)

48) China (17,803)

49) Global warming (17,577)

50) Lost (TV series) (17,554)


Wikipedia: Top 20 people, places, film and technology articles


James Steyn
Published: 3:17PM BST 27 Aug 2009

The site has dramatically changed how people search for information online and boasts 13 million articles in total, when you count the versions in the other 271 languages.

It has also allowed researchers to collect data on what information people are most commonly seeking.

Here is a list of the top 20 wikipedia searches for 4 categories: people, films/TV, places and technology according to the web site wikistics.


1. The Beatles

2. Michael Jackson

3. Barack Obama

4. Eminem

5. Lil Wayne

6. Adolf Hitler

7. Rihanna

8. Abraham Lincoln

9. Lady Ga Ga

10. Megan Fox

11. Miley Cyrus

12. Robert Patterson

13. Kristen Stewart

14. William Shakespeare

15. Farah Fawcett

16. George W. Bush

17. Tupac Shakur

18. Taylor Swift

19. Jade Goody

20. Notorious B.I.G.

Films and TV

1. Lost

2. Watchmen

3. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

4. Slumdog Millionaire

5. Transformers 2

6. Scrubs

7. Heroes

8. Star Trek

9. List of House episodes

10. Twilight

11. House (TV series)

12. Terminator Salvation

13.X-Men Origins: Wolverine

14. American Idol

15. List of Family Guy Episodes

16. Lost Season 5

17. Family Guy

18. The Dark Knight

19. Americas next top model

20. List of Heroes Episodes


1. United States

2. India

3. United Kingdom

4. Australia

5. Canada

6. Japan

7. Germany

8. Israel

9. New York City

10. France

11. Russia

12. Mexico

13. Brazil

14. Italy

15. England

16. London

17. Iran

18. Philippines

19. Spain

20. Europe


1. YouTube

2. Wikipedia

3. Facebook

4. Twitter

5. Windows 7

6. Google

7. MySpace

8. Hotmail

9. Fallout 3

10. Internet

11. Microsoft

12. Xbox 360

13. PlayStation 3

14. Hypertext transfer protocol

15. Google earth

16. iPhone

17. Computer

18. Wii

19. Grand Theft Auto IV

20. Web 2.0

[轉錄] Rolling Stone’s<100 Greatest Singers of All Time>



1 | Aretha Franklin by Mary J. Blige

2 | Ray Charles by Billy Joel

3 | Elvis Presley by Robert Plant

4 | Sam Cooke by Van Morrison

5 | John Lennon by Jackson Browne

6 | Marvin Gaye by Alicia Keys

7 | Bob Dylan by Bono

8 | Otis Redding by Booker T. Jones

9 | Stevie Wonder by Cee-Lo

10 | James Brown by Iggy Pop

11 | Paul McCartney

12 | Little Richard

13 | Roy Orbison

14 | Al Green

15 | Robert Plant

16 | Mick Jagger by Lenny Kravitz

17 | Tina Turner

18 | Freddie Mercury

19 | Bob Marley

20 | Smokey Robinson

21 | Johnny Cash

22 | Etta James

23 | David Bowie

24 | Van Morrison

25 | Michael Jackson by Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy

26 | Jackie Wilson

27 | Hank Williams

28 | Janis Joplin

29 | Nina Simone

30 | Prince

31 | Howlin' Wolf

32 | Bono by Billie Joe Armstrong

33 | Steve Winwood

34 | Whitney Houston

35 | Dusty Springfield

36 | Bruce Springsteen

37 | Neil Young

38 | Elton John

39 | Jeff Buckley by Chris Cornell

40 | Curtis Mayfield

41 | Chuck Berry

42 | Joni Mitchell

43 | George Jones by James Taylor

44 | Bobby "Blue" Bland

45 | Kurt Cobain

46 | Patsy Cline

47 | Jim Morrison

48 | Buddy Holly

49 | Donny Hathaway

50 | Bonnie Raitt

51 | Gladys Knight

52 | Brian Wilson

53 | Muddy Waters by Ben Harper

54 | Luther Vandross

55 | Paul Rodgers

56 | Mavis Staples

57 | Eric Burdon

58 | Christina Aguilera

59 | Rod Stewart

60 | Björk

61 | Roger Daltrey

62 | Lou Reed

63 | Dion

64 | Axl Rose

65 | David Ruffin

66 | Thom Yorke

67 | Jerry Lee Lewis

68 | Wilson Pickett

69 | Ronnie Spector

70 | Gregg Allman

71 | Toots HIbbert

72 | John Fogerty

73 | Dolly Parton

74 | James Taylor

75 | Iggy Pop

76 | Steve Perry

77 | Merle Haggard

78 | Sly Stone

79 | Mariah Carey

80 | Frankie Valli

81 | John Lee Hooker by Bonnie Raitt

82 | Tom Waits

83 | Patti Smith

84 | Darlene Love

85 | Sam Moore

86 | Art Garfunkel

87 | Don Henley

88 | Willie Nelson

89 | Solomon Burke

90 | The Everly Brothers

91 | Levon Helm by Jim James

92 | Morrissey

93 | Annie Lennox

94 | Karen Carpenter

95 | Patti LaBelle

96 | B.B. King

97 | Joe Cocker

98 | Stevie Nicks

99 | Steven Tyler

100 | Mary J. Blige

Contributors | Brian Braiker, David Browne, Anthony DeCurtis, David Fricke, Brian Hiatt, Ashley Kahn, Mark Kemp, Alan Light, Austin Scaggs, David Wild, Douglas Wolk

SM家族新成員"f(x)"新單曲<LA chA TA>released

據說是要將f(x)(韓文叫「에프엑스」,但我覺得應該是要唸成「f of x」吧?)打造成「女版SHINee」。其中最受注目的是Krystal,因為被講爛了他是少女時代Jessica的妹妹。


感覺還不錯,但是好像有點沒個性~說可愛又沒少女時代可愛,說殺也沒有2NE1殺,說性感好像也比不過最近的Brown Eyed Girls~總之就是感覺良好的一個普普通通。

G-Dragon’s solo stage debut@SBS人氣歌謠

