Update Info.

都說了我的老本行是西洋音樂!! (雖然現在這麼說好像都很沒有說服力,但我堅持這是實情XD)~2010/05/23

2008年10月24日 星期五

Day 26 - I'm the Reason


這個團體是由五個男孩所組成的R&B boy band,可以說是後現代的大堆頭Baby Face!Day 26也可以說是出自名門,他們是從老牌選秀節目Making the Band蹦出來的,所以O-Town(歐城男孩)和Danity Kane都是他們的師兄師姐。重點是Day 26和Danity Kane一樣,都是Bad Boy Records由吹牛老爹操刀力捧的團體,因此雖然今年的出道同名專輯並沒有很賣座,但是創作和製作的團隊面子都還蠻大的,網羅吹牛老爹本人、Mario Winans、Danja和the Runners等等,新人就有這等陣仗也是還蠻拉風的。

基本上Day 26還是走contemporary R&B,不過芭樂味也還蠻重的,聽了有種「黑人版新好男孩」的感覺><。大致上其實歌聲普通,但我有興趣的是這張專輯裡有蠻多A歌的,因為我自己還蠻喜歡研究西洋歌曲裡面有情色意味的編曲或歌詞,相當大膽而有趣。不過整體來說,專輯就真的普普啦!噱頭的歌深得我心,但歌風和歌聲特色還沒有建立起來

緊接著要聽Day 26出道專輯我最愛的一首歌"I'm the Reason"。這首歌其實還蠻普通的啦,只是因為節奏感很特別又很強,再聽看看吧~


You don't understand there's no equivalent to me
Check my qualities, in my back pocket got affection
Not to mention the thug in me, you gotta see
But I don't think you know, who really runs the show
It was just about sex, I am worth a little more
I was holdin you down, thought I would stick around
But you were just to blind to see, girl I
I know this, if I don't know nothing
I know one thing for sure
I know that I'm the reason
You're walkin like you're walkin
You're talkin how you're talkin
But you act like you don't know what I've done for you
Girl I got some plans for us, take a trip overseas for us
To a foreign land, cuz I was your man
Girl, I was changing you
But now its too late for you, girl I ain't no fool
But I don't think you know
I don't think you know, who really runs the show
It was just about sex, I am worth a little more
I was holdin you down, thought I would stick around
But you was just to blind to see, girl I
I know this, if I don't know nothing
I know one thing for sure
I know that I'm the reason
You're walkin like you're walkin
You're talkin how you're talkin
But you act like you don't know what I've done for you
When you was mine, all of this time,
Best time of your life, baby
But now [somethin somethin] girl
Cuz you act like you don't know
That's why I had to let you go
I don't understand why you're walking different
Why you're talking different
Chorus 3x:
I know this, if I don't know nothing
I know one thing for sure
I know that I'm the reason
You're walkin like you're walkin
You're talkin how you're talkin
But you act like you don't know what I've done for you
