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都說了我的老本行是西洋音樂!! (雖然現在這麼說好像都很沒有說服力,但我堅持這是實情XD)~2010/05/23

2009年8月25日 星期二

[轉錄] Alex Skarsgård is Naked and Wet!!


在《True Blood(噬血真愛)》中飾演吸血鬼區長Eric NorthmanAlexander Skarsgård,最近被美媒挖出他2003年時在家鄉瑞典所出演的愛情喜劇《Hundtricket》中的洗澡橋段。說實在話,還真讓人口水直流,個人覺得比在《True Blood》裡露奶的Anna Paquin更有看頭><~

You will too after you get a glimpse of Alexander Skarsgård in this soapy scene from Hundtricket. No, it's not a gay porn flick, but a Swedish romantic comedy from 2003.

Skarsgård, better known as Eric from True Blood, plays one of three friends navigating single life. Not entirely sure what the trio is talking about in the communal shower—something about having one-night stands—but does it really matter?

Skarsgård is wet and totally ripped. At one point, he appears to be cleaning, well, his nether regions. And yes, we do see a wee bit of butt at the end of the clip.

Do vampires take showers? If they do, here's hoping Alexander Eric gets very dirty—very soon!
